doyenist: my personal project grows to business
Hi there,
It’s been a while I’ve been working on doyenist, a solution to track student attendance via a mobile application.
I have now decided to focus on this project on full time basis and (try to) make it a business.
Today I launched a crowd-funding campaign on kickstarter with the goal to get some initial funding.
You can see the campaign here: and you can find more information at
I am asking for your help to spread the word and share the links. At this stage, what matters more is to generate some momentum to the campaign. Of course, if you find the project interesting you can, always, contribute. Moreover, you are interested to invest and receive equity, please let me know.
Feel free to get in touch. There is an open invitation to share your input, ideas and feedback.
Thanks a lot,
Great video!
Hi Dave,
thanks a lot!
…and all is going to be in Delphi…hoorah!!!