Category: tutorial


Delphi and CentOS 7

  Contents1 Introduction2 CentOS 73 SDK Manager4 Fixing the Folders Introduction In recent years, Embarcadero expanded Delphi to cover the Linux platform as target platform for projects. In this step, two distributions of Linux...


Moving Atlassian Bitbucket Server to a new computer

I run my own instance of Atlassian Bitbucket Server and I, recently, had to move Bitbucket to a new computer. Actually, I moved from a macOS based machine to a Windows 10 computer. Unfortunately,...


How does a Relational Database work

I, always, wanted to learn more about relational databases but never put the time to read all the technical stuff. Fortunately, Christophe Kalenzaga had done a tremendous work into putting things together in this great article. Check...


TMS Aurelius and MVVM design: an example (Part 2)

In the first part, we developed the appropriate design for our application and the relevant classes to allow the use of Aurelius. In this part, we develop the main and customer screens. Contents1 The Main...


TMS Aurelius and MVVM design: an example (Part 1)

Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern allows developers to write software in a way that separates applications to layers that serve the business logic, the presentation logic and the elements of the user interface. TMS Aurelius...


How to deploy a Delphi OSX project from the command line

Delphi has a well developed command line build process (via MSBuild) for Windows projects. After the introduction of FireMonkey, MSBuild was altered to allow users to build non-Win projects. After you build a project, if you...