Category: academia


mbex: new version (1.4.0)

A new version of mbex is out. There are two major changes: first, you can see a preview of the file before you export the whole course. The second improvement is about the management...


mbex: new version (1.3.0)

I have released a new version. Among other improvements, it exports Moodle assignments with submission files and grades. Warning: The required backup and the export may reveal sensitive data. Always check the law in...

PI2 Documentation

Introduction The Project Implementation Index (PI2) is a number in percentage (%) that shows how likely it is for a student to start implementing a research proposal without significant delays that derive from the...

Project Implementation Index (PI2)

Project Implementation Index (PI2) When teaching research methods in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, very quickly becomes apparent that one of the major challenges students face is to prepare a research proposal which is feasible...